Tuesday, May 31, 2011

And the May Giveaway Winner Is.....

{{Drumroll please}}

Rebecca Graham!

{{Wild Applause!!}

I'll be sending you an email to let you know when to expect your Kindle to be shipped.

Thanks to everyone for playing.

For all her hard work reviewing my books, Paula Love wins a $25 Amazon Gift Certificate. Thanks, Paula!

Be sure to check back next month for a Romance Package giveaway worth more than $60. Unlimited entries! Also stay tuned for another big prize package that will be offered before the end of the year.

Congrats to our winners and thanks again to all who played. Come back next month and we'll do it all again. :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Giveaway: Kindle Package Worth Nearly $200!!

Okay, my lovelies. This is one giveaway you do NOT want to miss. I'll announce the winner of a brand new Kindle 3G reader with FREE 3G and Wi-Fi, valued at $189.00 to one lucky reader by the end of May.

As you may or may not know I have several ebooks available for the Kindle currently for sale at Amazon, so this month I want to award a book lover the opportunity to enjoy these ebooks and many others on the widely popular reader.

Since this is a big prize, we're going to play the game a bit differently this month. Everyone can earn one entry towards the grand prize by leaving a comment on this blog telling me the title of your favorite book.

If you want to earn additional entries, you may do the following over the course of the month:

RT this blog on Twitter to all your family and friends earns you one additional entry. Be sure to use @geevie in your RT so I can record it properly.

Joining my Fan Page on Facebook gets you another entry. If you're already a fan, don't worry. You can earn your extra entry just by leaving a comment on the discussion page for this giveaway.

That means everyone interested can earn up to three entries for this contest.

But wait. There's more.

Some folks think you can't enjoy Kindle books if you don't yet have a Kindle. Au contraire mon frere. Amazon allows you to download a program for free for your computer (PC and Mac) and your phone so that you may enjoy the ebooks available on Amazon. Should you wish to purchase one of the books I've listed below BEFORE the end of the month AND are generous enough to review it for me on Amazon, Goodreads or Barnes and Noble - I'll give you *5* - that's right, 5 - extra entries for each ebook you purchase/review.

Just leave a comment on this blog linking back to your review.

Not only will you be able to transfer your books over to the Kindle should you win it, any reviewer who wins this grand prize will get a $20 gift certificate to Amazon as a sign of my appreciation for your pre-win purchase.

All entries must be completed by May 26, 2011. I will announce the winner by the end of the month. Follow me on Twitter to hear how we'll be announcing the winner. :)

So that's it. Have fun and good luck!

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Here are my current available ebook titles:



