When I first learned the new theme for the week was Songs from the 21st Century, I thought I'd skip this part of the proceedings altogether. I'm not that familiar with a wealth of music from the 21st Century - or so I thought - and so I felt woefully and unusually ambivalent.
By about Sunday I perused through several "Top 100" song lists through the new century and feel at least somewhat qualified to make a few recommendations and interject my overweening ego into song choices that were probably picked two weeks ago.
But when has that ever stopped me?
It would tickle me silly for Jacob to pick something more upbeat and playful:
But that's a bit risque and he's already made it plain he prefers more inspirational stuff. So he could add a little gospel the following, which - as sung originally by a female - could actually be bent a little more interestingly to fit his particular style.
Another who may pick that song would include Lauren, even though I think she'd play to her strengths (and her audience) by revving up the fun again with:
(Or is that too obvious?)
(Still be fun though...)
Speaking of country, I'm not too familiar with the new songs and acts from today's country megastars, but I wouldn't mind seeing Scotty singing something along the lines of:
He could also pick something a little more mainstream like:
I don't know much about current heavy metal but my sons would absolutely flip out in metalhead glee if Durbin picks the likes of Bullet for My Valentine. I wouldn't mind something like Velvet Revolver. Again, with James I'm pretty content to let him pick whatever he thinks would be best. My only request? Don't sing this:
As for Casey and his Bassy, he could bring out something a little harder with:
Or stay eclectic with the likes of:
Which would pretty make both the hubby and me freak out in BMG fanboy and fangirl glee.
I think S-Teflon-o should stay true to his boy band roots by bringing sexy back with a lil JT:
This would give him the opportunity to scratch all the jazz hands and Broadway arms with an actual contemporary pop performance.
Somehow, though, I fear he'll pick something more obvious like:
Haley can also benefit from something more contemporary, and since she has that whole sex kitten thing going on some of the more risque music would play to her strengths. These are half-joking, half-serious suggestions:
But she could also add a lil sauce to:
Or all seven can do songs I've never heard before - and the odds of that happening this week are fairly high.
In fact... finding that one nugget of a song I'm familiar with may indeed be the treasure hunt of tonight's show.
I think I'm ready....
My only real request with any of the contestants, aside from the Darkness prohibition I mentioned above, is that none of these folks should even THINK about doing songs released by prior Idols.
Instant Zeros for any JHud, Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson, Daughtry or a host of others who launched their claim to fame on the Idol Stage.
Trust your Idol Mama... and just say no.
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