If you've already read MASTERS FOR HIRE, prepare to meet Devlin's nemesis, Caz Bixby, in MASTERS FOR LIFE, who gets thrust into Coralie's fairy tale existence as her cocky, obnoxious personal trainer.
He appraised me thoughtfully. “Guess we better hit the gym then... New Year’s Eve will be here before you know it.”
“I’ve been ready for a half-hour.”
He glanced down at his suit. “Oh yeah,” he said with a grin. He put his champagne flute onto the table before he stood. He crossed the distance between us in two steps, before hovering over me with a different kind of smoldering glance all his own. I watched as he tugged free his tie, which snapped from around his neck before he trailed it across one of my wrists. My fists balled tightly, so he tossed the tie away. With that despicable smirk, he ran his hands up his sculpted chest until his fingers circled that top button. Slowly he released them, one at a time, revealing his sculpted bare chest underneath, which caught me off guard. His bold tattoos on both arms appeared to breathe thanks to his rippling muscles.
He took off the shirt and tossed it onto the sofa next to me, before angling his pelvis towards my face. “Help me with my pants?” he said as he held his hands out to the sides of his hips, like he was presenting me with pure gold. I practically breathed fire, but I didn’t move one muscle. “No? I guess I can do it then.”
His strong fingers unfastened his dress slacks, slowly unzipping them. His slacks fell to the floor, revealing snug compression workout shorts that hugged his defined bulge proudly. As he stepped out of his pants, I realized that he still wore his dress shoes. “Looks like you forgot something,” I sneered.
He chuckled as he kicked off his shoes. He reached for one sock. “I guess I’ll have to go bare. Do you mind?”
I scowled at his innuendo. “You’re such a pig.”
He leaned over me, backing me up against the cushion of the sofa, one arm on either side of me. “We’re all animals deep down, baby.” His gaze liberally drifted towards my mouth. “So what do you say? Wanna burn some calories?”
With a growl I scooted out from under his arm and rounded the other side of the sofa. He straightened with an even wider smile before he followed, trailing his laughter behind.
You will not BELIEVE where these two men take us all in book three, MASTERS FOREVER, a tempting little treat provided below... which will probably scare the shit out of everyone still cursing my name for how Book Two ended.
#sorrynotsorry #itsgonnabegood
Devlin leaned back against the sofa as he studied my face. “Not how I pictured this night going,” he murmured. “How about you?”
My eyes hardened. “Not how I pictured the year going.”
He brushed a stray strand of my hair from my eyes. “Me either.”
“Jesus,” Caz exhaled as he rolled his eyes. He grabbed the remote and turned to a music channel that played pulsating dance music. He dragged me up by the hand. “This is a party, for fuck’s sake.”
“Caz, I don’t want to,” I tried to protest as he pulled me to the center of my living room. Still holding the remote, he turned down all the lights courtesy of the dimmer.
“Come on, pussycat. If you wanted to stay here and feel sorry for yourself, you’d have never left.”
A dance tune by Madonna began to play, the aptly titled “Hung Up.” Caz pulled me close, his hands on my hips, to guide me through the sensual movements as we began to undulate to the music. I stole glances at Dev, who watched us from his spot in the corner of my couch.
It was the very same corner where he had been that first night, when he commanded that I strip for him. He had seduced me that night, confidently and well. My flesh responded instantly to the memory. I shuddered and looked way, focusing on Caz, who danced closely to me, grinding his hips against me, his eyes locked with mine. “Only a couple of hours left, baby,” he said. “Do you really want to spend it sad?”
The music pulsated around me, a rolling beat that made the entire room felt like it was spinning and tumbling through space. Of course, that might have been the pot. My brain had taken off somewhere around Pluto. That, combined with the alcohol I had consumed, helped me submit to the dance. I closed my eyes and just allowed myself to ride the music.
“That’s it,” Caz murmured. “Let yourself go. You know you want to.”
Again my eyes sought Dev. Maybe I was waiting for permission. Maybe I just wanted to make sure he wasn’t going to lose his shit again. My eyes snapped open when I realized he was no longer sitting on the sofa.
I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt him fall into step behind me, pinning me between both of them.
“Dev,” I started, but his mouth landed right next to my ear.
“Shh,” he shushed, and it sent an involuntary shudder all the way through my body.
I found myself responding to the beat, braced between them. Devlin, whose mouth rested right near my ear, dragged his lips along the sensitive line of my neck. “Ever had two men at once, Coralie?” he murmured.
I practically evaporated on the spot. After everything I’d been through, after everything they had both done, I knew I was at their mercy. I was too high. I was too drunk. I was too bitter after such a crappy, crappy few months. There had been so many moments that I just wanted to turn the clock back... so I just enjoy my fantasy for one minute more.
And here Dev was, like a mirage, offering me another one. A new one. A naughty one. It was one where I could be with him again, no matter how high the cost, which had always been really high, like $25,000. Like a broken heart. Like shattered dreams. Like loving a man who might just be incapable of loving me back.
And yet… dear God, help me… it was still everything I wanted.
Are you scared yet?
Just wait till November 27....O_O
My boys will be back, and they're going to be badder than ever.
I. Cannot. Wait.

Have I told u lately how awesome you are!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! I think you're awesome, too. :D
DeleteHave I told u lately how awesome you are!!!!!