Monday, November 9, 2020

Mevember Giveaways, Day 9

 For today's Mevember Giveaway, an oldie but a goodie... the first book of the second series in the Groupieverse, FIERCE.

FIERCE features my first size-20+ heroine, Jordi Hemphill, an aspiring singer who dumps her small Iowa town to chase her dreams of becoming a big star. Needlessly to say, circa 2013, this is not a smooth road for someone who flouts the conventional pop star mold.

To show you how ahead of the curve this book was, it was BEFORE anyone even thought about putting Ashley Graham in a music video. 

Thankfully for Jordi, she arrives in Tinsel Town around the same time as our Groupie gang develops a talent show just for people like Jordi - those who may be talented AF but are traditionally overlooked because they don't fit a certain aesthetic. 

Jordi's journey is further complicated by some abusive relationships in her life, including her mother and her opportunistic boyfriend, who decides to take his relationship with her public around the time she lands a TV show.

It's not an easy read, especially since it's not an easy journey for anyone... much less anyone who identifies as an outlier. But because of its rocky road, we needed the sweetest of all my Cinnamon Roll heroes... the one and only Jace Riga.

I'm still in love with Jace, my perfectly imperfect hero. The most romantic, the most loyal... the most kind. A hero in every sense of the word.

We're going to see him again in THE DUKE BECOMES KING. I, personally, can't wait.

It takes a lot to hang with everything we have to face in this tale, but I've always felt the triumph was worth it.

And it's free for you today... if you dare. 

Dream big. 

Live large.


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