Friday, January 7, 2022

Because of Brandon - New Release with a personal note


On January 6, 1995, my third son Brandon was born. For the next nine days, I got to know a beautiful, pure soul who observed life around him through thoughtful, watchful eyes. He smiled. He wasn’t fussy. He was perfect. Too perfect for this world, it would turn out. On January 15th, I walked into my mother’s bedroom where he had been sleeping. When I turned him over, I knew he was gone.

I had barely met him, hadn’t really gotten the chance to love him, and suddenly there was a huge hole in my life I knew would never totally fill again.

My life shattered in an instant. Though I have been through many, many things in my life, sexual assault, domestic abuse and many lost loved ones among them, I can say without question the worst pain in this world I have ever experienced was the loss of my newborn son. Even that night, when I started to pack everything up – mostly to have something to do, but also because looking at an empty crib was too painful to bear – I felt like God had broken a promise to me. Parents are supposed to go first. It wasn’t right to pack away blankets and clothes that hadn’t even been used yet.

But I was too sad to be angry. I could barely put thoughts together at all. When I prepared his outfit for his burial, I included a diaper. I couldn’t wrap my mind around the idea that these were things he would no longer need.

Though I fought collapse at the thought of what this would mean to my future, I had to hold strong for my other children, including my eldest, whose birthday was the very next day. He was five and had no understanding of the spiritual hell I was going through, nor did he need to know. We had a cake and presents and that was what my other child, the one who remained, needed.

So, I packed up my torment and my sadness and put it away with that crib and those clothes and toys and blankets that would never be used by Brandon. I kept alive by putting one foot in front of the other and surviving for my kids, who needed me more than ever before.

For the next 26 years, January 6 through January 15 belonged to Brandon, the only church I’ve ever attended with any real regularity. Those nine days were and are sacred. I was denied a lifetime with my child. I was going to hold tight to those precious days that celebrated his brief life.

In the dark months that followed his death, I threw myself into writing like never before. I needed the distraction. More than that, I needed the escape. I needed worlds I could control what bad things happened and when. I couldn’t sleep, literally haunted by my loss, feeling death crouching in every corner, ravenous and unsatisfied. Those books were my lifeline. They also became the embryos of what would come later, my sweet romance Picture Postcards and my more salacious saga, introducing us to the Fullertons in Enticed.

They were romances, because romances had always served me well when I was in the midst of grief and loss. When my dad died when I was eleven, I inherited stacks of Harlequin paperbacks that I inhaled by the dozens, in desperate need of a cute meets, first kisses, falling in love and Happily Ever Afters.

The HEA is often a derided aspect of the romance genre, which I attribute mostly to the general dismissive nature of feminine gratification. A mystery should be solved, a horror should be scary, but falling in love in a romance?

The audacity.

But love is audacity. To find happiness in a world where the worst can and does happen is defiant. Victorious. Necessary. Especially these days.

There is a lot of loss and rage and sorrow permeating our collective existence right now. HEAs seem almost precious, but they’re still every bit as necessary. In these last two years, when so many of us struggled to put one foot in front of the other, where surviving was a miraculous gift in and of itself, those things conceived out of loss needed to be born in hope of equal measure.

Enter Ruby and Simon.

When their Brandon died, they were brought together to do all the things their lost loved one no longer could. They needed purpose to heal from their grief, just like I did all those years ago. Grief will bring you to your knees. Often the only thing that will keep it from crushing you is having a reason to stand again.

I had my oldest son’s birthday. Ruby and Simon have an unfulfilled bucket list.

It took me 26 years, but I knew that 2021 was the year I gave my Brandon his due. There was still a happily ever yet to write, and I finally found the story he could help me tell.

Because of Brandon is about love persevering.

That is the hope of love, the necessity of it. The reason for it. It makes the bad stuff worth it. It is the reason that “The Dance” by Garth Brook is and has been Brandon’s song ever since those dark, pain-filled days.

It isn’t the book I promised, or even the other four books that remain in their uncompleted state, half-written and half-realized. I wasn’t emotionally ready to tackle those books yet, not after everything we’ve been through. I’m just getting back on my feet. I wanted something simpler, more focused. More like those stacks of books that healed me so long ago.

But the Groupieverse has expanded with this book, adding a tattoo parlor for all our past, present and future inhabitants. Like so many of my books, some familiar faces are ever present, including fan favorites like Vanni and Caz. My muse lives in their world and likes it there, so there are always new stories to take us there.

I hope you join me along this little sojourn into another corner of our expanding book universe. And, if you get to the end of this book feeling a little happier and a little more hopeful, you’ll know.

It’s because of Brandon.

Happy birthday, my dear sweet angel. This one is for you.



Saturday, November 21, 2020

Mevember Giveaways, Day 21

 Welp, we made it everybody! It's officially my birthday and the last day of my Mevember Giveaways. I hope you've enjoyed this trip down memory lane and picked up a few more books as we went along.

For The Big Giveaway, I've selected my 2020 rocking fairy tale, told only as I could do it.

In PEACHES & THE DUKE, I have gone further than any tale I've told before. I didn't just create characters, I created a whole new country. Well, countries. With it came history rich with Celtic-inspired Kings and Queens and castles and crowns.

In 2020, it has been one of the key anchors keeping me sane. 

While the world was locked down, I was able to travel freely to a country where impossible things... like an heir to a throne picking out a fluffy size-16 princess... were completely possible. It is a world where an imperfect gal often rejected by the world can even become queen, which, quite frankly, is just the kind of world I want to live in.

My heroine, Peaches McPhee, was inspired by one of my colleagues at work, a bright shining light of a human who rocked her fluffiness in every way possible. She showed up daily with a smile on her face, with all the cute style of clothes and new hair and makeup, with so much confidence to stand out that I was immediately in awe of her and wanted to be her when I grew up, even though I'm likely almost 30 years her senior. She never let the perceptions of others get her down. She was unapologetic in being her own unique self, flouting convention and making her mark without asking any permission whatsoever to do so.

That was what I wanted for Peaches, even though Peaches had a few other ideas. Unlike my coworker, she had a little bit more of an edge. She is my baby after all, that Scorpio tail finds its way out ... particularly when backed into a corner by more nefarious foes.

And boy, does Peaches have a doozy of a foe in Dude Bro Christopher Tyler, who encapsulates all the shithead toxic masculinity that would make someone like Peaches seem so imperfect in the first place.

Naturally I had to make the hero of the story more exceptional as a result. Is Auggie too good to be true? Of course, he is. He's a fricking prince.

But, he's a prince that I'm writing, so... gird your loins accordingly.

So, let's talk about The Secret.

I think I lost a good deal of people once they realized that Peaches begins our tale pregnant with another man's baby. Some people were put off by the idea of her being romanced, even by a prince, while carrying another guy's kid. Never mind that guy was Christopher Tyler, and the reason she's pregnant at all is heinous once revealed in Chapter 29.

That she got drunk one night and made a mistake somehow shaded her as an unappealing romantic heroine.

To that I say... horseshit.

This story actually did not come to life until that particular piece of the puzzle slid into place. I struggled how and even why I wanted to tell this story. My bestie was rooting for another M/M romance when I first pitched the idea. Since he was the one responsible for making Auggie Quinn an actual PRINCE, he wanted to see that reporter hired to tell his life story be a forbidden gay love.

And while that was fertile ground, nothing "clicked" for me until Peaches - who named herself by the way - whispered her dark secret into my ear. 

This is why this is where our story begins.

This dirty little secret makes her an inappropriate pick in every single way possible for our most eligible royal bachelor... IF he was looking for an appropriate pick for the throne. (He IS the Duke of Mayhem, after all.) 

Instead he's charmed by this awkward girl who nearly throws up in his face the very first time they meet.

“Hello,” I heard this deep voice say behind me.

I turned right into the gaze of Augustine Seamus Whitley Quinn Agassi, the Prince of Alasdair and Duke of Iver, last heir to the throne of Aldayne. He was also a mega rock star, but like Monica had warned, his regal air was undeniable.

If I thought those green eyes were piercing in photos, they were damn near lethal in person. I felt immediately exposed, like I was standing naked in front of him. His long hair curled around his sharp features, and that beard was trimmed high and tight around his sensual full lips.

I was so taken off guard I took a step back, losing my footing and stumbling right into the bookshelf that held so many golden and silver frames. Like dominoes falling in slow motion, they all went down in a clatter, one even toppling right to the floor.

“I’m so sorry!” I exclaimed, mortified. I tried to retrieve the fallen soldier, but I was so discombobulated that my hands shook like crazy and I dropped it twice more. Just as he reached around me to take it from my hands, I backed up again, this time into what was likely a Ming vase. I managed to capture it, but barely.

I was flushed and embarrassed as I faced him. I realized I had that tiny silver frame with the candid photo clutched to my chest. With shaking hands, I tried to replace it without destroying anything else. “I’m… I’m so sorry,” I mumbled, unable to look him right in the eye.

“No damage done,” he said in that warm, hypnotic voice that poured over my senses like honey. Then, like out of a dream, I saw him reach out a hand to me. “I’m Auggie,” he said, quite unnecessarily.

I stared at his hand for a long, uncomprehending moment, fixated on the opal-like ring he wore on his finger, with the familiar crest I’d seen throughout the castle. That ring meant the rules were different, right? Shit, should I bow? I remembered that I wasn’t supposed to touch him, but he was reaching out to me. What were the rules in this scenario? Where the fuck was Audra?

Just as I reached out my hand, my stomach rebelled from all the stress. I barely even got a hint of warning before hot vomit filled my mouth. I clapped that same hand to my face, my eyes wide as I stared at him. “Bathroom?” I tried to mumble without vomit dribbling out of my mouth.

“What?” he asked, confused.

Oh God, I thought to myself. My two choices here are vomit or swallow, then vomit again. I glanced around wildly, considering that Ming vase for just a millisecond before I decided I just had to make a run for it and hope I find a bathroom.

I couldn’t even say excuse me.

 Of course, Peaches doesn't know about her little secret in that moment. When she figures it out, she figures there's no way she can agree to this 6-month assignment. She goes to Auggie to tell him the truth about her condition... to let him decide if he wants to hire her.

They were BOTH in for a surprise:

“Let me see your hand,” he said.

I hoped he couldn’t see how I shook as I held up my hand. He covered my fingers with his as he placed them on the keyboard. Sound emitted from my fingertips, echoing around the room.

“Wow,” I breathed.

“Wow,” he agreed as he consumed me with the intensity of his gaze. He guided me to play as he studied my face. “You hear that?” he murmured softly. “It’s a heartbeat.” He changed the note, using my fingers to play. “It’s a living thing, already there. You just have to uncover it.”

 I gulped. His fingers were causing my nerve endings to catch fire. We sat so closely I could feel the heat rising from his body, his bare chest close enough to touch. And yet, he was as far away as the moon. He played for a moment, reaching around with his other arm, until he guided both hands to play. He was so close I could feel his breath against my neck. It was all I could do not to bolt from the room.

Is this what he thought? That I had shown up at near midnight for a booty call?

Where was he in February? I bet he knew how to operate a condom.

I was a mess by the time he ended the song. “And you said you couldn’t play,” he smirked, which was my undoing.

“I think you’ve got the wrong idea,” I said, scooting back a little.

“Oh? And what idea is that?”

“I didn’t come here for this,” I said, gesturing to the piano.

“Good,” he said. “Because I only did that, so that I could do this.” Before I knew what was happening, his hand was cupping my face, pulling me in even closer. Suddenly his mouth was on mine, warm and commanding, nudging my lips apart so that he could take complete possession.

For a second, I couldn’t think straight. What the hell was happening? I had come here to tell the Duke I was pregnant, and now this … this prince was kissing me? At what point had I fallen into a fairy tale?

And maybe it was because it was a fairy tale that I kissed him back, if only for a moment. But then I pushed away and escaped from the piano bench. I kept my back to him because if I turned around, I might have flown right into his arms. I heard him rise from the bench, so I hugged myself tightly to keep control.

“I’m sorry,” I said, then cursed myself. “I mean…,” I started again, but then I felt him turn me around to face him.

“No, Peaches. I am sorry.”

My eyes widened as I stared up at him. He was apologizing to me? What was happening??

“That was not how I wanted our first kiss to go,” he said, pulling me closer.

I held my hands up against his chest. His amazing, hard, satiny, muscle-y, yummy chest. I had to jam on the brakes but quick. “I’m pregnant,” I found myself saying.

He stepped back, clearly grappling with this strange new development. “I’m afraid you have me at a bit of a disadvantage,” he finally said. “I never imagined hearing those words from a woman before I’ve slept with her.”

I mean, really. What would you do if a prince landed into your life just a month too late?

 The rest of the book, indeed, the rest of the series, will test both Auggie, who has never had a real family, and Peaches, who came from the healthiest family I've ever written. (Although, to be fair, Dash is my favorite.)

They took me all over the world until we finally end up in beautiful Aldayne, where I've had the privilege of staying these past few months.

I've truly, truly, truly enjoyed exploring this new world. It's my kind of fairy tale... completely broken and complicated, with good people in bad situations who just want to find someone to love and a home of their own.

It kinda bums me out so many people have rejected it for the very reason I found it so fascinating.

I hope you give it a chance. There's a lot of story yet to be told, with some of the BIGGEST twists I've ever written to date. It's all the things people love best about my books in one series, which widens the Groupieverse to a global scale. You'll even see Vanni and Caz and Graham and Jorge, and, and, and.

This is the precursor to our next Groupie trilogy and I sure hope you come along for the ride.

And, for my birthday, you get to read the first book, PEACHES AND THE DUKE, completely free. Book II, THE DUKE TAKES A BRIDE is out now and includes the most EPIC wedding I've ever written. Book III, THE DUKE BECOMES KING, releases in February and is currently up for pre-order for $0.99. 

It's a trilogy that has everything you already love about my work in a whole new wonderful setting far away from the mean nasty 'Rona. 

If you need an escape for 2020, I humbly offer my newest babies.