Sunday, November 8, 2020

Mevember Giveaways, Day 8

 I've been waiting for this giveaway, as it is as Mevember as you can possibly get: THE LEFTOVER CLUB.

This timey wimey tale of romance and the long, arduous journey to self-acceptance allowed me to play in many sandboxes, reliving several eras of my own personal timeline going all the way back to 1976, when our heroine Roni Lawless loses her beloved dad. I lost my dad a little later, in 1980, but there were other deliberate Easter Eggs hidden all the way through the book, from the music I listened to, the shows I watched, the movies I loved. Gay best friend, check. Bullies at the school bus stops, check. Mother and Roni rooming with another single woman to make ends meet, making pseudo siblings of their kids, check. Painful crush on the popular, good looking boy who kept the chubby girl locked up safe in the Friend Zone, checkity check check. 

That scenario has played out MANY times in my life, all the way till adulthood. I literally wrote a book on the subject.

Truth be told, I did get my first crush in 1976, with a smart, popular, cute boy who would remain my friend for the next several years to come, who would kiss me on a dare on a playground. In TLC, I was able to put his face on several of the encounters I faced throughout the 1980s, when I ping-ponged through every Mr. Wrong in the book to fill the bottomless hole left by my dad's passing.

I was much, much kinder to Roni, because she actually got to have those encounters with the boy she wanted most.

Needless to say, 15-year-old Ginger had a ball with this story, especially indulging all that delicious angst with the hottest boy in school - Dylan Fenn. Dylan was all crushes rolled into one - and Roni got to LIVE with him throughout her formative years, having a domino effect on everything that followed - including some of the girls who befriended her JUST to get close to her hot guy friend.

I've actually written several books on THAT subject, but today's offering tops the list. The whole social construct was based on those who could capture Dylan's attention, and those who couldn't... i.e., The Leftovers.

Things get complicated as everyone graduates and moves on. Roni matures into womanhood and marries a Mr. Wrong because it isn't Dylan Fenn. She has her beloved daughter Meghan and six years later the marriage (thankfully) implodes, leaving Roni a lonely single mom with a bitter child all the way up in to the 21st Century. That's when all the Leftovers get a chance to both reunite at a high school reunion AND get a chance at the hottest boy in school... something Roni has been virtually running away from her entire life. 

 There's only one thing more frightening than having an unrequited crush. That's taking the chance to ever find out if they are crushing back.

If you ever had that one unrequited love you can't forget, this is the book for you. If you are a Gen Xer who wants to go on a trip down memory lane, this is a book for you. If you're older and want to read about second chance romance, this is a book for you. In fact, whether you're new adult or a divorcee, we cover it all. 

 If you are a Groupiephile, this is DEFINITELY a book for you, as Meghan will be playing a huge part in the next three Groupie Books. If you read BEAUTY AND THE BITCH, you already know she is going to slide into Vanni's inner circle. If you read PEACHES AND THE DUKE, you know what complications it's going to bring that Meghan has a massive crush on him.

Is she going to get to the hottest guy in the Groupieverse? Or will she repeat her mom's legacy as a Leftover? Only time will tell. This book will introduce you to her and the backstory making her a prime target for hope and heartache in the Renown series coming in 2021. 

 Get your copy today for free and enjoy THE LEFTOVER CLUB.

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